Message from the Chair

Message from the Chair

Hello MCD Members,

I am writing to let you know that we are currently undergoing a significant change related to our presence on the web. Since the early 2000s, our division has maintained its own website as the resources available from the national office at NCA did not meet our needs at the time.

Having our own website was not a minor investment as the cost for hosting the website was approximately $500 every two years and we had been helped by the generosity of various communication departments over the years (e.g., South Dakota State University, Idaho State University).

Additionally, having an official presence in two separate locations did create headaches as we had separate places to post our bylaws which had generated some confusion in the past. As such, we have made the decision to transfer our web presence exclusively to the site maintained by NCA ( and we expect this move to be finalized by the end of October.

We understand that this is a big change but in the long run, we believe that this makes more financial sense for our division and makes it easier to administer our web presence.

Thanks and see you in November!

Matt Lapierre

Matt Lapierre

University of Arizona
Department of Communication
1103 East University Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85721